Sunday 23 June 2013

The Trial

The trial scene of To Kill a Mockingbird creates an atmosphere of tension and suspense. This is all down to Harper Lee's creation as we know that there would not be any suspense as even Atticus knows that the verdict has already been decided before the trial has even started. I think that Lee creates the tension, not from the verdict of the trial but from Atticus' slow breakdown of the case. It would say this is because the reader knows that the outcome of the case will not be good so Lee decides to make the case a little exciting by adding tension and suspense to the way Atticus dismantles it. Jem, still in his childhood, does not understand that this racist jury will never back a black man for raping a white woman. Jem does not seem to understand that because of this, Atticus' efforts will all be pointless. After Bob Ewell is shown as left handed Jem says "We've got him", however we know better than to think that Atticus is winning what is a losing battle.

Below is a short quiz based on part one of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird and below that is a short quiz about part two of To Kill a Mockingbird.

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